The Regional Project Execution Agency (AREP) is a legal entity under public law, with administrative and financial autonomy and subject to the supervision of the regional council. The creation of these agencies finds its essence in the provisions of the organic law n° 111-14 relating to the regions (published in the Official Bulletin on 18th of february 2016), in particular its articles 128 and following.
The agency is responsible for the following tasks:
- providing the Council of the Region, at the request of its President, with all forms of legal assistance and technical and financial engineering during the study and preparation of development projects and programmes ;
- implementing the development projects and programmes adopted by the Council of the Region.
The Council of the Region may entrust the Agency with the operation or management of certain projects on behalf of the Region, on terms and conditions which it shall determine by deliberation.
The creation of the AREP falls within the framework of the major regionalisation projects, providing for the creation of agencies responsible for implementing development projects decided by the Council of the Region, within the framework of the Regional Development Programme.